Ten letters in circles

Normally, in North American–style crosswords, every letter in the grid is expected to be “checked”—which is to say, used in more than one clue. That way if you can’t get a letter one way, you can get it another way. It’s a pretty clever idea. But lately I’ve been thinking about what exactly it means for a letter to be used in more than one clue. Here’s another experiment along those lines.

Also, do what you want to make the puzzle more fun—reveal a few letters, google something, whatever. I want my puzzles to be challenging to get on your own, because I like a good chewy NYTimes Saturday–style puzzle, but there’s no wrong way to solve a puzzle. But I like it when I finish a puzzle and want to find out more about something I encountered there, and I’ll put a few (spoileriffic) links below the puzzle if you’re curious.

For more information (these are all spoilers for the puzzle): 24-Across (but more importantly). 33-Across. 34-Across. 47-Across. 13-Down. 38-Down (and then this!).